I send out requests for bids on the septic design not too long ago. I have received back 4 of the 5. One was priced much higher than the others, so they are automatically out. That leaves me with 3 to compare.
1. Purcell Associates. This is the firm that my cousin Pat knows well. I was interested in getting a quote from them since Pat recommended them. I sent them a detailed description of what we wanted to do in terms of a septic design. I heard back from Tom, and he indicated that our plan was unrealistic in terms of having a septic system that has a leaching field 600 ft away from the house. That's certainly not what we wanted to hear. We are going to call Tom and talk to him personally to better understand what the implications of that are. The house next door has the same set up, so we walked into this thinking it was possible.
2. Ross Associates. This is the firm that has been to the land already to do the plot plan and perc testing. I was interested in getting a quote from them since they are already familiar with the layout of the lot. I was, however, a little disappointed in the quote we got. The price is fine, but the description of the work included in that price was a bit wishy-washy. We'll need to get clarification on some points. If we do hire them however, we could probably get a better price since we are probably going to have them come out to mark the shared boundary line with the neighbors.
3. Hannigan. This is a firm whose name came up a number of times when I read through recent Planning Board meeting minutes. I get the impression that they do a lot of work in the area and are used to dealing with the town. I do think that they gave us a cookie-cutter bid, and didn't really consider the feasibility of our plan.
So now that we have the bids in, we need to evaluate them, get any necessary clarifications, and make a decision.
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